5 Mar 2020

Marketing through obstacles – different rules of play are in force in China

Do you use Chinese translations as part of your marketing campaigns in the Chinese market? Then you should get advice from STAR about the Chinese Advertisement Law.

China is a vast sales market, and expanding into the region looks very attractive for B2B and B2C businesses – but it is also very complex. Much of the regulatory landscape differs from that of the European sphere. There are also different rules for advertising, which companies must abide by. A 1:1 translation of a European advert is to be avoided at all costs, as the Chinese Advertisement Law includes provision for fines if certain words and phrases are used!

STAR offers you the complete package – translation of your marketing text into Chinese as well as a subsequent linguistic check of the translation for the most frequent problematic phrases.

Take advantage of our skills and our knowledge of the Chinese Advertisement Law and minimise your liability risks!

More information

7 Nov 2023

Now we know what you’re thinking: Not another article about ChatGPT… Social media is already full of experience reports, and words of praise as well as criticism. And the initial hype has long since died down. Is STAR not a little late to the party here? In short, the answer is no – because we’ve been partying along with everyone else the whole time!

5 Oct 2023

Supplier selection is a significant factor in the success of a business.
In this article, we will give you clear pointers and tips for choosing a translation service provider.

9 May 2023

Supplier selection is a significant factor in the success of a business.
In this article, we will give you clear pointers and tips for choosing a translation service provider.

1 Feb 2023

Short, interesting videos on websites grab the interest of potential customers and increase traffic. Millions of videos are watched every day on social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook, etc. You should also make your videos available not just in your native language, but also in other languages for all your target audiences and markets so that you can achieve a greater reach.

15 Oct 2022

“Why is Japanese so expensive in comparison to other Asian languages?” – this is a question that we are regularly asked by customers, and by colleagues too. Yet it cannot be answered in a single sentence.

6 Jul 2022

Fabienne, Nadège and Frank are specialist translators for STAR Deutschland, working into their mother tongue, French. In this interview, they tell us about their job, their daily work life and the challenges and experiences that they have encountered over time.

25 Jan 2022

What website operator doesn’t dream of their site appearing at the very top of web search results?

If you want to convince users across the globe to click on your localised website, view your products and services, and better still, make a purchase, we can show you how. With a translation process that takes into account SEO optimisation, you can save your marketing budget and win customers.

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